This Request for Proposals (RFP) solicits proposals for toxicology reference lab services requested by UK St. Claire Hospital. UK St. Claire anticipates 750 tests per month. Expected turnaround time of lab samples is 72 hours or less with a majority being 48 hours. The awarded contractor courier service will pick up the tests at UK St. Claire 6 days a week at a time that is convenient to UK St. Claire. This RFP defines the minimum requirements needed to enable qualified offerors to provide the information necessary and sufficient to evaluate the services offered. The sample handling and analysis will be performed in accordance with applicable codes, laws, statutes, and policies of the State of Kentucky. For consideration, proposals should contain evidence of the proposer’s experience and capabilities. The offeror shall provide a robust, reliable, and secure interface between the Laboratory Information System (LIS) and the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system used by UK St. Claire. The offeror system shall fully conform to the technical, functional, operational, and security requirements specified by UK St. Claire and its EHR system. Under no circumstances will the EHR system or UK St. Claire be required to modify their specifications or processes to accommodate the offeror system. The interface must ensure seamless, secure data exchange, compatibility, and integration, in accordance with all applicable regulatory, privacy, and security standards relevant to UK St. Claire’s jurisdiction.