Create transient MODFLOW groundwater flow models for the Elk Valley aquifer, Spiritwood-Warwick aquifer, and Wahpeton Buried Valley aquifer system to assist in the assessment of current level of appropriation, potential impacts from additional appropriation; and managed aquifer recharge as a tool to increase sustainability, provide opportunities for additional appropriations, and bank water for future use. Completed groundwater models for aquifers, if not all models are worked on at the same time, are prioritized as 1. Wahpeton Buried Valley aquifer system, 2. Spiritwood-Warwick aquifer, 3. Elk Valley aquifer. The scope of work includes developing new models using data collected by the STATE and potential other sources as well. Available data sets may include but are not limited to United States Geological Survey data, Airborne Electromagnetic Survey data, North Dakota Board of Water Well Contractor well driller’s reports, STATE monitoring data including lithologic data, water use data, groundwater elevation data, surface water elevation data, and groundwater quality data. The groundwater models should use one of the currently supported versions of USGS MODFLOW code (e.g. MODFLOW 6, MODFLOW-2005, or MODFLOW-NWT)...