Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Consultant selected in the RFQ/RFP process will offer professional and technical services and engage in the update and development of the Comprehensive Master Plan. The master planning process will be community-based, and the expected timeline from start to finish is six (6) months, following the City’s Notice to Proceed. An Advisory Committee (AC) will be established by the City, and comprised of members that will represent the Pigeon Forge Parks and Recreation Department, Pigeon Forge City Commission, and others as appointed by the City. Ex-officio members will include the Pigeon Forge Parks and Recreation staff and other City of Pigeon Forge staff as designated by the City Manager in coordination with the Parks and Recreation Director. The Consultant will coordinate development of the Comprehensive Master Plan, and meet a minimum of four (4) times with the AC during the planning process to establish priorities and recommendations. The Consultant will be expected to solicit input on objectives, needs and opportunities, improvement options, and recommendations from key stakeholders and from the public. The Consultant shall propose a schedule for efficiently managing involvement of key stakeholders and the public during preparation of the Comprehensive Master Plan. It is expected that the approach will include both public meetings and other outreach strategies by which community organizations and other groups may identify needs.