1. Relocation of all Anchorage School District personal property in areas of construction shown on the drawings during the time specified herein. 2. Personal property is defined as all items not attached to the building. 3. The Anchorage School District personal property shall be moved within the building prior to the construction phase of the contract and after substantial completion 4. All personal property shall be identified by an inventory control system. A copy shall be provided to the Project Manager. 5. All work shall be coordinated with the Project Manager and Building Administrator. 6. The Owner will remove earthquake restraints from all personal property. Personal property to be moved after packing is completed. 7. The Owner will move copiers and telephones. 8. Contractor shall provide a spotter person for public safety when operating machinery. 9. Contractor shall be required to furnish all permits related to this contract, including a current Alaska Transportation Commission (A.T.C.), Common Carrier permit which allows the contractor to perform all duties as called for in this specification. 10. Contractor drivers shall be required to have the appropriate Commercial Drivers License (CDL). 11. Contractor shall abide by all laws pertaining to transportation, parking, fire lanes and safety.