Specifications include, but are not limited to: The contractor shall coordinate with the County of Maui, Department of Water Supply (DWS), as necessary to open and close DWS-maintained shut off valves and water meters during leak testing. Contractor shall provide “hot” taps on existing water mains or connection to existing waterlines as shown on plans for hydrostatic pressure testing, including excavation, backfilling, pavement repair and all necessary piping, fittings, and appurtenances required for testing. All pressure testing taps shall be plugged at the main with a corporation stop after all testing is completed. One initial hydrostatic pressure test shall be performed to determine the location of leaks within the water system. Pressure testing shall be done in accordance with the State of Hawaii Water System Standards, 2002, as amended, at a test pressure of 225 psi. Prior to beginning leak assessment pressure testing, the Contractor shall complete installation of new caps and concrete thrust blocks (as necessary) on existing service laterals, fire hose cabinet laterals, and fire hydrant laterals. Upon completion of all necessary repairs and new work, a final hydrostatic pressure test shall be performed, in accordance with the State of Hawaii Water System Standards, 2002, as amended, to ensure all repairs and new work are free of leaks and ready for use, at a test pressure of 225 psi. Repair: Upon completion of initial water leak testing, any water mains, valves, service laterals, fire hose cabinet laterals, or fire hydrant laterals that are leaking shall be repaired or replaced using the allowance item for repair in the bid proposal. The contractor shall provide a cost proposal for repairs and receive approval from the Engineer prior to completing the repair. All repair work shall be performed in accordance with the State of Hawaii Water System Standards, 2002, as amended, including the use of materials on the approved materials list. New Work: The contractor shall install new waterlines, fire department connections, fire hydrants, cleanouts, valves, valve boxes, and other new work as shown on the plans and specifications including pressure testing and chlorination. Flushing and Chlorination: Upon completion and acceptance of Leak Assessment, Repair, and New Work, the contractor shall thoroughly flush and chlorinate all water mains, service laterals, fire departments, and fire hydrants as shown on the plans and in accordance with the State of Hawaii Water System Standards, 2002, as amended. Chlorination shall be performed by a licensed chlorination contractor, and they shall provide a chlorination certificate prior to final acceptance of all repair and new work.