The successful CM will provide preconstruction services by performing the following: • Prepare cost estimates and schedule for each design submittal to determine if the scope can be executed within those constraints. A validated design is one that can be constructed within the budget and schedule constraints of the project, per the grant agreement. • Perform design reviews to identify errors, omissions, and ambiguities with intent to improve the constructability and economy of the design submittal. • Provide input on potential alternatives for solutions to address the deficiencies and challenges with the existing project site. • Analyze and evaluate the constructability of the preliminary design. • Verify the quantities and schedule of value (Bid Items) generated by the Design Engineer for the Estimate. • Provide information, cost estimates, and alternative options to help facilitate decisions regarding existing conditions, construction impact, and staging. • Provide input to the Project Team regarding current construction industry practices, labor market, and material and equipment availability. • Furnish the Design Engineer with alternative materials or equipment, along with current pricing data and availability, to assist the Project Team in making informed design decisions early in the design process. The intent of this information sharing is to reduce the need to change the design late in project development, resulting from budget or schedule considerations. • Provide assistance in shaping the scope of work to ensure that the work conforms to the budget and schedule constraints to satisfy the grant agreement. • Performing feasibility investigations on potential options or construction approaches. • The CM may use subcontractors to supplement preconstruction services to provide the necessary expertise...