LOP AND SCATTER- PINYON JUNIPER UNIT (50 ACRES). ALL juniper species will be felled and slashed. MAXIMUM stump height no greater than 6 inches measured on the uphill side. ALL pinyon pine < 12-inch DBH will be felled and slashed. MAXIMUM stump height no greater than 6 inches measured on the uphill side. ALL other conifers < 6-inch DBH will be felled and slashed, except blue spruce. ALL branches below the stump cut must be severed. All slash will be lopped to achieve no more than a 24-inch slash height. Tree boles will be cut into lengths not to exceed 4 feet in length. CUT AND PILE UNIT (202 ACRES). ALL juniper species will be felled and burn piled. ALL other conifers < 12 inch DBH will be felled and burn piled. All material less than or equal to 12 inches in diameter will be piled. Piles will be located no closer than 20 feet from residual trees. Piles will be located no closer than 50 feet from the edge any streams, springs, or wetlands. Avoid locating piles within 50 feet from intermittent stream channels. Piles will be constructed in a tepee style with smaller branch wood on the inside of the tepee and larger bole wood covering the outside layers of the pile. Pile dimensions will not exceed 8 feet in height and 10 feet in diameter. Tree boles greater than 12 inches in diameter will be bucked into lengths no longer than 4 feet and left un-piled...