Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1.1.Task 1 – Data Collection and Analysis 1.1.1. Data Collection: Identify the data collection points and methods that will be utilized for the report. 1.1.2. Demographic Analysis: Identify and evaluate household income, family and household size, age, tenure (renter and owner), and education levels. Identify the various income levels of households relative to the Area Median Income (AMI), including extremely low, low, and moderateincome, as well as those whose incomes that are above 80% of AMI. Analyze the housing cost burden for the community. 1.1.3. Forecasts for the next 5-20 years: Forecast population and employment growth. Identify the future demand for housing in the community over the next 5 to 20 years, based on the relationship between housing production and growth.