Sanitary Sewer (Gravity), Sewer Force Main, Construction, Sidewalks/Curbs/Gutters, Design, Fittings and Valves, ADA Curb Ramps, Erosion Control/Slope, Bank Stabilization, Fire Hydrant, Landscaping, Street/Road Materials, Erosion Control - Temporary, Paving (Asphalt or Concrete), Materials, Equipment and Supplies, Lift Stations/Lift Station Equipment, Miscellaneous, Street/Road Intersection Construction and Repair, Street/Road Lane Construction and Repair, Storm Drain and Paving, Televising Sewers, Street/Roadway Reconstruction , Sewer and Water Construction, Sitework/Excavating and Grading, Grubbing & Clearing, Street/Road Concrete Reconstruction, Concrete/Formed/Flatwork/Foundation, Street/Road Asphalt Resurfacing and Milling, Street/Road Asphalt Milling, Grade and Surface, Stormwater Improvements, Pedestrian Improvements, Utility Street Construction and Excavation, Curbs. The Project includes the following Work: Utility Construction: approximately 2,000’ of PVC water main (6” –8”) including valves, hydrants, appurtenances and services; approximately 1,425’ of PVC sanitary sewer (8”) and 550’ of force main (4”) including manholes and laterals; approximately 1,600’ of storm sewer, RCP and HDPE (12”–30”) including manholes and inlets. Roadway Construction: approximately 1,700’ of roadway excavation and grading, geotextile fabric, breaker run, dense graded base, hot mix asphalt, concrete & asphalt driveway replacement, concrete sidewalk and concrete curb & gutter. Tree removal, clearing, grubbing, site restoration, traffic control and erosion control are included in the project.