This contract will provide seasonal snow removal services of approximately 1,013,690 square feet of parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, and misc. concrete at two (2) facilities as follows: 2620 Fairfield Street Lincoln, NE 68521 - Approx. 516,820 sq ft. 9445 Rokeby Rd. Lincoln, NE 68526 - Approx. 496,870 sq ft 1.2 Special instruction per facility are as follows. 1.2.1 WAC SERVICE CENTER- 2620 Fairfield St. Lincoln, NE 68521 Snow removal will be scheduled as needed. LES Department Representative will determine if the Contractors services are necessary. LES may opt to coordinate up to a day ahead for Contractor’s services. Contractor will report to the property requested within 1 hour of being called including holidays, weekends, and weekdays. LES will maintain after the initial clean up. Department Representative with release contractor as soon as possible once they believe LES staff can handle the snow removal. ***Equipment used to remove snow from the Fairfield Street side parking lot (employee parking) and driveways must weigh less than six thousand (6000) pounds. This is an asphalt lot and equipment over 6000 pounds will cause damage to asphalt base.*** LES will stake for curb identification and any other obstacles as we see necessary...