The consultant will provide all labor, materials, equipment and supplies to perform professional monitoring services on a task order basis for various task assignment projects. These tasks may include, but are not limited to the following: 1. General health of vegetation 2. Establish transects, radial plots or other means of assessing detailed vegetation health; provide mapped locations 3. Percent cover of each native plant stratum along established transects 4. Percent cover of non-native plant species, and notes/sketch on location 5. Assess channel and log structure condition and functioning 6. Assess streambed material 7. Establish photo points 8. Observations of fish and wildlife on-site 9. Annual monitoring report 10. Establish channel cross sections and longitudinal profile (may include survey) 11. Recommendations for additional maintenance and repair to the site 12. Wildlife surveys 13. Fish surveys using snorkel, electrofishing, or other appropriate methods 14. Long term succession monitoring (10, 20 years) 15. Wetland hydrology including piezometer installation, calibration and data gathering, with automation as appropriate 16. Bank erosion/stability 17. Submittals/meetings with regulatory agencies 18. Development of a “standard” monitoring plan 19. Flow monitoring 20. Marine Derived Nutrient analysis 21. Groundwater monitoring and analysis 22. BIBI and water quality monitoring 23. Unmanned Aerial Systems; project monitoring, condition assessment 24. Data analysis 25. Flow gage installation and operation 26. Rain gage installation and operation 27. Water Quality sampling