To procure a “time and materials/percent markup” contract for the purchase of equipment and materials related to the general HVAC systems/controls. This shall include and be not limited to the purchase, maintenance, repairs, installations work for the Monroe County School facilities. Contractor must be able to install, troubleshoot and support Distech Controls Systems, Finstack Controls, and S4 systems, as well as Tridium controls with reflow graphics. Contractor must also be able to support and troubleshoot Johnson Controls N2 systems. This is to service all 14 locations as follows, Madisonville—Primary, Intermediate and Middle Schools Sequoyah High School Vonore—Elementary and middle school Sweetwater High school Tellico—Elementary, Junior high and high school Coker Creek (located in Tellico Plains) Rural Vale (located in Tellico Plains) Central Office building (located in Madisonville) Academy building (located in Madisonville)