1. Meet with the project’s technical panel to review the project scope and work plan. 2. Perform a literature review of FHWA, AASHTO, and programs of surrounding state transportation agenciesto determine construction material testing and inspection practices and requirements. The review should include construction material testing and inspection frequencies, who performs the test or inspections, expected end quality benefits, potential risks, and prioritization based on a risk-based analysis. The review should also include current and emerging technologies to improve the efficiency of construction material testing and inspections. 3. Review SDDOT’s construction material testing and inspection program to include the Minimum Sample and Test Requirements (MSTR). Upon approval by the technical panel, interview SDDOT personnel, South Dakota contractors, and South Dakota material suppliers to identify construction material testing and inspection priorities in the field, failure rate of material tests and inspections, potential risks, resource/staffing needs, and current technologies being used by SDDOT. 4. Upon approval by the technical panel, conduct a nationwide survey of other state transportation agencies on current practices for construction material testing and inspection frequencies with risk-based considerations, staffing needs, and current and emerging technologies in use. 5. Prepare and present for approval of the project’s technical panel a technical memorandum detailing the results of Tasks 2 - 4. 6. Identify and evaluate the level of risk with current SDDOT construction material testing and inspection frequencies and the associated staffing needs for construction activities.