1. Conduct a needs assessment to evaluate the current language and communication needs of residents in the City. a. The needs assessment should include detailed information regarding the language and communication needs of the City’s residents. The needs assessment will support the City in identifying the languages and communication needs for City services, including but not limited to, document translation and interpretation. b. Services for conducting a quality needs assessment include: i. Identify and engage with key stakeholders, including community organizations, residents, city employees, and service providers. ii. Conduct focus groups, surveys, and interviews to gather qualitative and quantitative data on language and communication needs. iii. Analyze demographic data to understand the linguistic and communication diversity of the City. iv. Review and analyze existing language and communication access services in the City and identify service gaps and/or accessibility barriers that may exist for City residents. 2. Following the completion of the needs assessment, the comprehensive report should include recommendations for addressing the needs and service gaps identified. 3. Develop a data and evaluation plan to measure the impact of the Language Access Pilot Program services. a. Services for providing a quality data and evaluation plan include: i. Develop a data collection plan to continuously monitor the implementation and impact of the Language Access Pilot Program. ii. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to track progress. iii. Design an evaluation framework to assess program effectiveness and efficiency. iv. Develop feedback mechanisms to continuously gather input from residents and stakeholders...