1. Prior to beginning snow and ice removal operations under the contract, the successful bidder shall inspect the areas where snow removal operations will be conducted, and place delineation stakes to identify areas of meandering pavement edges or locations of obstacles that may be visually obscured by accumulated snow. 2. Each snow event that results in the accumulation of one and one half (1.5) inches or more of snow on the designated areas shall be removed by the Contractor. Snow accumulation may also occur as a result of wind conditions causing drifting in excess of one and one half (1.5) inches requiring additional snow removal operations. Ice of any depth shall also receive deicer application. The contractor shall coordinate with the Facilities Supervisor prior to forecasted weather events to determine the need and timing of plowing. 2.5 Due to the nature of the Public Safety Building, snow removal operations of key access and egress routes for both the public and emergency vehicles will take presidency. Town Hall parking will be the second priority. 3. Snow removal operations following any snow event shall be completed within a deadline as follows: Priority 1 should be cleared of snow within 6 hours of the weather event being over. 4. Snow shall not be pushed, blown or otherwise deposited on the adjacent public roads.