Provide all plumbing complete including hook up to residential and commercial equipment including washer extractor pit, trench drains and dryer vents. Also provide caulking of plumbing fixtures to countertops, walls or other surfaces. Provide lavatory shields and shower seats complete. C. Provide all testing and permits for the plumbing work. Provide chlorination on all water lines. D. Provide all HVAC work complete including all required louvers for the mechanical work. Contract No. 3 Carpentry and General Work is responsible for other louvers. Provide fire dampers as required by all codes that apply. E. Provide all testing and balancing of the HVAC system. F. Provide Fire stopping and patching of wall and ceiling areas that require mechanical penetration. Coordinate with other trades. Provide access panels and doors as required. This contract to install the access doors. G. Provide the cutting of roof areas where mechanical penetration is required. If any framing or modification is required for the opening, it is the responsibility of this Contract to provide. Also provided all roof curbs for all mechanical items. H. It is the responsibility of the mechanical contractor to coordinate and inspect at the time of pour all imbedded mechanical items in concrete or masonry units for proper elevations and locations...