Tank Information: The structure is a 500,000-gallon spheroid elevated water storage tank with a low-water level of 92 ft. located at 98 N. Arbor Trail in Park Forest, Illinois. The work includes: Exterior: High pressure water clean (5,000 to 10,000 psi) and spot power tool clean to a SSPC-SP11 standard. Apply a three (3) coat epoxy urethane system. Wet Interior: Spot abrasive blast clean coating failures on the access tube and sidewall to a SSPC-SP10 near-white metal standard. Apply a spot two (2) coat epoxy system to the prepared surfaces. The cathodic protection system is to be removed, the broken support arm replaced, and the system reinstalled by the Owner’s vendor (or approved equal), coordination and payment is the Contractor’s responsibility. Dry Interior: Abrasive blast clean the entire tops of the platforms (including 1 ft. up the riser wall) and spot coating failures throughout to a SSPC-SP6 commercial standard. Apply two (2) coat epoxy system to the prepared surfaces. Building Piping: Abrasive blast clean to a SSPC-SP6 commercial standard. Apply a two (2) coat epoxy system. Foundation: Water clean and apply a two (2) coat epoxy system. Mixer: Install a mechanical mixer. Repairs: Replace the access tube manway gasket. Install handholds at the roof hatches. Replace the expansion joint. Replace the mud valve. Overflow discharge modification. Replace roof vent with a pressure vacuum vent. Replace the seal at the access tube air gap and install additional alignment lugs. Install a roof handrail with a painter’s railing. Relocate the antennas to the roof handrail. Weld a rigging lug on the bowl. Replace light fixture in the dry interior. Replace the dry interior light bulbs.