Motivated by federal funding, in 1998, ORPARC was created from a concept created by ODHS and PSU and began with basic information and referral services to provide support to post-adoptive families. Prior to this time, support usually ended at the time the adoption finalized. The intent was to extend needed support beyond finalization in an effort to maintain and strengthen adoptive placements. In the intervening years, ORPARC has evolved and expanded to include: services to both adoptive and guardianship families; crisis intervention/support and advocacy services, including coordination with Clarvida’s Post-Adoption Family Support Program; creating and maintaining Oregon’s Adoption Exchange program, originally manually printed and distributed but since transitioned into a comprehensive internet-based electronic version, expanded to include information on such programs as AdoptUSKids, the NAIC, and the post-graduate certificate program in ‘Training for Adoption Competency through Case’ at PSU; a no-charge Resource Library that our contract requires yearly expansion and development in multi-media formats and in languages other than English; support group and networking services, including support groups and an ongoing system to assist clients with similar interests and needs to connect with one another to promote peer support networks; respite connections that assists clients with accessing respite care resources; client follow-up services; and, in coordination with the ODHS Child Welfare training unit and other resources, training for ODHS clients and staff. Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification.