The LETRS® (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) fosters deep, researchdriven understandings that underpin flexible decision-making during the teaching of language, reading, and writing for all students, regardless of language proficiency or reading level. LETRS® professional learning for elementary educators is an investment in teachers' literacy knowledge and professional practice. Teachers gain essential k1;wwledge to master the fundamentals of literacy instruction required to transform student learning. LETRS® professional course of study helps educators master the content and principles of effective reading, language, and literacy instruction. With its flexible blend of online coursework that includes video modeling and interactive activities, resources, and virtual support, this researchbased course supports educators in their crucial role of changing reading outcomes that set students on a lifelong path to success. The online coursework combined with face to face or live online group professional learning unit sessions, LETRS increases the quality, effectiveness, and consistency ofliteracy instruction within a classroom, school, district, and state.