The purpose of this solicitation is to contract with an entity to safely pick up and dispose of approximately 100,000 U.S. dry gallons of infectious/biological waste from the MDH- Laboratories Administration. A. The Contractor shall provide containers meeting Department of Defense (DOD), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) regulatory requirements for biohazard/special medical transport and disposal; vehicles for transport; equipment; supplies; labor; dumping and disposal licenses, permits, and certificates of liability insurance and other required insurances in connection with the collection, removal and proper disposal of infectious/biological during the Contract term. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for all any additional fees associated with the disposal and any other outside fees in connection with the disposal of all infectious/biological waste for the period covered by the Contract. C. Any subcontractor proposed by the Contractor to perform pick-up and disposal of biohazard waste must guarantee proof, prior to the start date, that it meets the minimum qualifications in Section 2.1 D. The Contractor must provide all services in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as adopted by Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Code of Maryland Regulations Title 26.13.11-13, as well as any other applicable laws or regulations regarding the handling, transportation, and disposal of bio-hazardous regulated medical waste.