The consultant will be responsible for the following survey products, all of which must meet the requirements outlined in the State Historic Preservation Office’s (SHPO) HPF Products Manual and National Register Bulletin 24: Guidelines for Local Survey: A Basis for Preservation Planning and the HPF Grant-Funded Survey Requirements FY2024 to SHPO. Consultant will complete and upload approximately 167 new and updated inventory records to KHRI along with accompanying digital images, site plans, and other products outlined in the HPF Grant-Funded Survey Requirements FY2024. Consultant and a representative of City of Topeka, will meet with SHPO staff to review expectations for the project, and receive appropriate forms and guidance on the information required for evaluation of the survey for possible listing as a National Register Historic District. Consultant will record and upload complete inventory forms to the Kansas Historic Resources Inventory (KHRI) online database and will notify SHPO staff when the inventory forms are complete and ready for review. Consultant will submit digital copies of images and site plans as well as a digital and hard copies of the survey report to SHPO. Consultant will produce a survey report explaining their methodology for the project, observations, summary of findings, and recommendations. Consultant and a representative of City of Topeka will meet with SHPO once all records are uploaded to KHRI and SHPO has had an opportunity to review the draft survey report.