1. An initial planning meeting among representatives of the City, SCDAH, and the Consultant shall be conducted before work begins to discuss the scope of work, methodology and schedule. This meeting may be held virtually. 2. The Consultant will synthesize existing research on the general historical development of the City of Sumter and particularly the development of the west side neighborhoods of West End, Mason Croft, and Hampton Park. The Consultant will submit a historic context statement before beginning fieldwork. The historic context should summarize, synthesize and expand on contexts included in the City of Sumter Historic Resources Survey (2010), the National Register of Historic Places nominations for Lincoln High School, Temple Sinai, and other relevant published histories of Sumter. The historic context statement should include discussion of all areas of local history, particularly the history of African Americans in Sumter during the era of Jim Crow and segregation. The context will focus primarily on the developmental history of the area within the designated survey boundaries. 3. The Consultant will conduct an intensive level survey, in accordance with the Survey Manual, of architecturally and historically significant buildings, structures, complexes, districts, and landscapes in the survey area that are at least 50 years old or will become 50 years of age within the next ten years and have integrity. The survey area includes the neighborhoods of West End, Mason Croft, and Hampton Park as indicated on the attached map. The survey area is bounded generally by Guignard Drive (US Hwy. 521) to the west, Willow Drive to the north, Broad Street and Washington Street (US Hwy. 76) to the east, and Hudson Street to the south. The consultant will provide recommendations regarding individual properties and districts that may be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and for local designation. SCDAH will have final approval of National Register recommendations. 4. The Consultant will enter required information for all properties surveyed into a database in Microsoft Access format. SCDAH will provide the Consultant with a blank database file that includes all required data fields, tables, forms, and reports needed to compile and present survey data. 5. Location data for recorded properties will be provided to the City and SCDAH and in the form of digital shape files that will be integrated with the City’s Geographic Information System (GIS) and SCDAH’s ArchSite online GIS. SCDAH will provide a template for shape files.