The City is requesting a per bag cost to fully handle the receipt, filling, sewing, transporting, and placement of one cubic yard sandbags on the Isle of Palms shoreline to provide protection against erosion. The City will provide unfilled bags similar to the one cubic yard Huesker SoilTain bags. The chosen contractor will be responsible for all other labor, equipment and any other expenses associated with the installation of the bags. Bags shall be filled with beach compatible sand from an inland borrow source approved by SC DES BCM. Bags filled with unapproved material will be rejected and replaced at the contractor's expense. The bags will need to be sealed per the manufacturer’s instructions, which is expected to include sewing the bag closure. The bags will need to be placed in an arrangement and location dictated by the City’s coastal engineer. Currently the City is placing bags in the 200 block of Ocean Blvd. and Beachwood East, but some of the future bags could be placed at additional locations on the island. The City will direct the installation of the bags on an as needed basis, but will always order bag placement in amounts no smaller than 100 (i.e. the contractor will not be expected to mobilize for small amounts). The City Council has authorized the purchase of up to 740 bags, but it could be that the installation of all of these bags is not necessary.