The Town of Manchester is soliciting bids for qualified contractors to provide mowing and related maintenance services for vacant, uninhabited properties on an on-call basis, per the attached conditions and specifications. It is the intent of the Town of Manchester to obtain a qualified Contractor to perform on-call lawn mowing and related work to residential properties to remedy violations to the property maintenance code. The Contractor shall complete work at specified locations within 72 hours after notification by the Town. Contractor will notify Town when work is completed. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment necessary to perform the work. A. Grass shall be mowed to a height of 3". B. All edges will be left neat and trim. Grass areas not trimmed by mower shall be string trimmed. C. Care shall be taken to avoid marring of trees, shrubbery and other vegetation by equipment. D. Removal of all litter and debris is required prior to mowing. Bagging of such debris during mowing operations is acceptable. Under no circumstances will mowing debris be left on the property. E. All clippings must be cleared off all sidewalks, driveways, streets, etc. Clippings on lawn areas must be raked and cleaned up. F. Contractor is responsible for the proper disposal of lawn clippings. At the contractor’s option, clippings may be placed in approved paper leaf bags and placed at the curb for pickup by the Town’s curbside recycling program. G. Contractor shall not be responsible for disposal of larger items left on the lawn. Contractor would be expected to move them out of the way while mowing or trim around them as they would any other obstacle.