The improvements consist of the following at the Cape Rock Water Treatment Plant: 1. Addition of new piping, valves, supports and other appurtenances within the filter building piping gallery (lower level). Tie-in to existing filter influent line in the filter piping gallery (lower level). 2. Addition of new piping, valves and other appurtenances for connection to the secondary sedimentation basins. 3. Addition of four new dehumidification units and three new circulation fans within the filter building piping gallery (lower level). 4. Alternative #1: Addition of 14 new flow meters, new butterfly valve and associated piping on the filter effluent piping to filters #7 to #20. 5. Alternative #2: Addition of 14 new backwash valves and associated piping on the filter effluent piping to filters #7 to #20. 6. Obtaining all permits for construction of Work not obtained by Engineer or Owner. 7. Removing all debris and excess materials from Project Site generated by construction Work. 8. Restoring areas disturbed by construction to original condition or as specified by Contract Documents.