1. The Contractor shall erect and maintain construction signing, provide all signs, set up nighttime lane closures (if needed), and traffic handling devices in accordance with the Traffic Control Plan. The cost for this work is to be included in the price bid for pay item 907-618-A: Maintenance of Traffic. All traffic control devices on this project shall comply with the latest version of the MUTCD. Fluorescent orange sheeting shall be used on all construction and traffic control signs except for those designated in the standards to be black legend and border on white background. 2. Prior to the microsurface, the existing shoulders shall be clipped and surplus material shall be spread along the edge of the shoulders, fore slopes, or other adjacent areas as directed by the Project Engineer, and will be an absorbed item. 3. Prior to applying microsurface to the mainline (24’), a rut filling and or leveling course shall be applied in accordance with 907-418.03.6. 4. The Contractor shall apply microsurface on the roadway left and right of the centerline, BOP to EOP, from edge line to edge line, as per Special Provision 907-418. Surface preparation shall be performed as per Special Provision 907-418, and shall be absorbed under the microsurface pay items; however, traffic stripe removal shall be paid for using the appropriate pay items. Only thermoplastic pavement markings that are to be covered during the project shall be removed. The Contractor shall remove existing pavement markers prior to microsurface. The cost of removing these pavement markers shall be absorbed in other items bid. 5. Local roads, and guardrail aprons up to the face of the guardrail shall be fog sealed. Only thermoplastic pavement markings that are to be covered during the project shall be removed. 6. The Contractor shall place all permanent pavement markings, including stripe and raised pavement markers, throughout the project as required by the Standard Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Existing pavement markings located on bridges shall be removed as required prior to placing new markings.