1. DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 1.1. SUPPLIES AND/OR SERVICES REQUIRED: Lincoln Correctional Center is seeking services from a qualified vendor to provide inspection, cleaning, repair and maintenance of ANSUL hood fire suppression system, seven (7) dietary exhaust hoods, seven (7) ducts, seven (7) fans and four (4) exhausters at Lincoln Correctional Center. This will be a five (5) year contract. 1.1.1 Vendor shall provide inspection, cleaning and maintenance to the Dietary ANSUL hood fire suppression system, exhaust hoods, ducts, fans and exhausters located at Lincoln Correctional Center, 1098 1350th Street, Lincoln, Illinois. 1.1.2 Vendors shall provide the necessary materials, tools and certified workforce to ensure the ANSUL hood fire suppression system, exhaust hoods, ducts, fans, and exhausters are operating at peak performance and in accordance with NFPA 96 industry standards for the cleanliness and maintenance of commercial kitchen exhaust systems. 1.1.3 Vendor is responsible for the inspection, cleaning and maintenance to the Dietary ANSUL hood fire suppression system, exhaust hoods, ducts, fans, and exhausters at Lincoln Correctional Center at the beginning of the contract and every six (6) months thereafter until the expiration of the contract. 1.1.4 All routine repair parts and filters necessary to maintain the system will be the responsibility of the vendor. 1.1.5 Dietary Hood Inspections Inspect roof condition around fans. Roof should be free of grease and debris. Inspect condition of exhaust fans and wiring. Inspect condition and cleanliness of filters. All hood lights shall be in working order. Inspect all electrical wiring under hood area. Kitchen area should be clean with no debris under equipment. Pilot lights working. All accessible areas of hood, duct, and stack free of grease.