Identify and document all businesses that qualify as microenterprises in the downtown area for CDBG reporting. Actively track performance metrics and outcomes, and submit monthly and quarterly reports to the City in compliance with grant funding requirements. Provide direct technical assistance to microenterprise businesses including, but not limited to, marketing & promotion advising, tutorials on using social media platforms, branding and design assistance, referrals to additional resources such as business planning, financing for expansions, etc. Act as direct liaison to downtown businesses related to events, promotions, and communications. Deploy and promote the District’s identity and brand. Plan, promote and coordinate downtown events that provide a business benefit to downtown microenterprises, specifically place-making events that would bring consumers to downtown. Examples of such events include: First Thursdays, Dining Week, downtown sale events, pop up markets, coffee crawls, etc. Identify and create opportunities for local businesses to participate in and lead downtown events. Work with businesses and stakeholders to assist with the development of a Downtown Management Organization. Work with stakeholders in the planning and implementation of a downtown cultural district. Manage the Mill St. public plaza and stage, including managing bookings, encouraging public programming and pop up markets.