The property consists of 3.7-acres with 16,450 SF vacant commercial building and a 1,224 SF storage/maintenance building. The property is located within the Edison Eastlake Neighborhood and within the boundaries of the Choice Neighborhoods redevelopment area. The commercial building was the former Crippled Children's Hospital. This historic portion will be renovated, adaptively reusing the building to provide community services such as, behavioral and health clinic, community kitchen, workforce services, and classroom space. The activities for the restoration and renovation of the historic portion includes, new roofing, exterior wall repairs, new interior walls, electrical, plumbing, HVAC systems, insulation, flooring and ceiling finishes, doors and trim. Some windows will be abated and restored, and others replaced with more energy efficient windows. The garage/maintenance building on site will include maintenance activities, including roof repairs and interior/exterior painting. The work will also include earthwork, asphalt, striping, parking, curbs, concrete foundations, slabs, sidewalks, landscaping, ADA improvements, and art design, fabrication and installation activities (by others), including the installations and components in the courtyard and entrance. Environmental mitigation will include soil vapor probes and post construction testing. The contractor will be responsible for installing the art feature foundation, sidewalks, electrical wiring and light fixtures related to the artwork.