The contractor will work with EOTSS and agency partners to select between two and five GenAI use cases from a collection of agency submissions. The contractor will provide a cohort of students, supporting faculty and staff to engage in a human-centered design program that engages with the agency business owners, staff, and end-users to design, build, test and deploy a GenAI proof of concept by the end of the project timeline. The contractor will commit to a minimum six-month project timeline, with preference for students who can extend their availability beyond an initial semester to work directly with the agency business owners to finalize a proof of concept. Contractor's students will take on the role of program manager and provide the following: project ownership, work with stakeholders to define and refine the problem statement, coordination of all meetings with stakeholders, documentation, regular project updates to stakeholders, technical design recommendations, technical deployments, technical troubleshooting and end-user testing. Contractor's faculty and staff will provide the students with guidance, mentorship and supervision in providing a human-centered design for a GenAI solution that solves each use case's problem statement. This will include guidance, mentorship and supervision of students’ project management, business communications and interactions with agency staff, professional conduct, and advanced technical skills related to GenAI and application development in an applied setting. Contractor's faculty and staff will assume the role of project sponsors, engaging directly with agency representatives, as necessary, to foster good client relations and overall project success.