1.1 Recyclable Items include: ➢ Paper: White bond paper, copy paper, multi-part forms, envelopes with or without cellophane windows, manila envelopes, folders, newspapers, magazines, paperback books, newsprint quality flyers and inserts, reply cards, index cards, and paperboard. Staples, post-it notes, and permanent labels may be included. ➢ Corrugated cardboard ➢ Beverage bottles and cans 1.2 Exclusions: ➢ Materials to be excluded include tape, plastic-coated paper, plastic wrap, paper towels, glue, trash and garbage. 2 Contractor Responsibilities ➢ Contractor shall provide 400 8-gallon collection bins (Small Paper Bins) for collecting paper in individual offices. FMU personnel will empty these 8-gallon bins at 75 Central Paper Locations. Depending on weekly paper volume, Contractor will provide one (1) or two (2) 18-gallon Paper Collection Bins at each Central Paper Locations (up to 150 bins total). Bins shall be provided so that no service interruption occurs between the old and new contracts. Bins shall be durable in nature with a design approved by the University’s Contract Manager. Bins shall be “new” or “like new” as approved by the University’s Contract Manager. Contractor shall label containers and bins to describe the specific contents by type and note materials to be excluded.