(1) General The LED traffic signal module unit shall be designed for installation into specified traffic signal housing and shall not require special tools for installation. The 12in LED traffic signal modules shall fit into specified traffic signal housings without modifications to the housing. Installation of an LED signal module shall be weather tight, fit securely in the housing; and shall connect directly to electrical wiring. If proper orientation of the LED unit is required for optimum performance, prominent and permanent directional markings(s), that is an “UP arrow”, for correct indexing and orientation shall exist on the unit. The manufacturer’s name, serial number, manufactured date and other necessary identification shall be permanently marked on the backside of the LED traffic signal module. A label shall be placed on the unit certifying compliance to ITE standards. (2) Physical and Mechanical Requirements The LED traffic signal shall be a single, self-contained device, not requiring onsite assembly for installation into traffic signal housing. The unit shall be serviceable and repairable without the use of special tools. The LED module shall be constructed to allow the replacement of the outer lens and/or the light engine when needed. The external lens shall be smooth on the outside to prevent excessive dirt/dust buildup. The assembly and manufacturing process for the LED signal assembly shall be designed to assure all internal LED and electronic components are adequately supported to withstand mechanical shock and vibration from high winds and other sources. Each LED traffic signal module shall comprise a UV stabilized polymeric outer shell, multiple LED light source, and a regulated power supply. LED are to be mounted on a polycarbonate positioning plate or conformally coated PC board. The external lens shall offer sun phantom protection to reduce driver glare or hot spot in sunlight. (3) Optical and Light Output Requirements The LEDs shall be manufactured using AlInGaP (Aluminum-Indium-GalliumPhosphorous) technology or other LEDs with lower susceptibility to temperature degradation than AlGaS (Aluminum-Gallium-Arsecic). AlGaS LEDs will not be allowed.