SCOPE OF SERVICES A. OVERVIEW OF THE WORK: The Consultant will assist the NDOT in the development of a detailed Complete Streets policy framework focused on sidewalks, crossings, and bikeways. The project is broken up into two distinct phases, which are described as follows: a. The first phase of this work will have the Consultant establishing definitions and decision thresholds for Complete Streets elements with internal stakeholders. Such decisions and thresholds may include things like “where to include sidewalks”, “how much does NDOT pay”, “when are bikeways accommodated”, etc. These things will inform an NDOT policy process and implementation plan. The plan will tell internal stakeholders when it is recommended to implement Complete Streets on projects. At the same time, the Consultant will work with NDOT to create an externally facing Complete Streets policy statement. Its purpose is to provide a public commitment to Complete Streets, with a focus on routine accommodations for sidewalks, crossings and bikeways in urban contexts. b. The second phase of the project will focus on policy development and integration at NDOT. This phase will have the Consultant work with NDOT to create Complete Street standards and policy components. Next the Consultant will help NDOT map policy impacts to its manuals, internal policies, practices and processes. It will then assist NDOT with the development of a prioritized roadmap of updates needed to accommodate policy language. To ensure that policies are followed and show the public that NDOT is committed to policy implementation, the Consultant will also help NDOT develop associated checklists and protocols for Complete Streets policy implementation. Lastly, the Consultant will assist the NDOT in the development of Complete Streets performance measures. This will include a list of data needs (and data gaps) along with a reporting plan.