1) Doors- Division 7 A. Install (2) new A & C facade entry doors (verify size and handing) a) Remove and dispose existing door, jamb and storm b) Therma-Tru “ Smooth Star” Energy Star or an approved equal c) Provide similar glass configuration to match existing doors per owner d) Double bore with Reeb On Guard composite jambs e) Provide new Schlage entry door hardware f) $180.00 maximum hardware budget) g) Plymouth, Wakefield, Camelot or Ashcroft collection h) Paint door and jamb as per Association recommendations, including interior and exterior trim, owner to choose color and sheen B. Install (2) new 3-0 x 6-8 storm door at same front and rear entry door a) Larson or an approved equal full view storm door b) Color to be brown c) Standard exterior and interior hardware d) Standard fiberglass mesh screen e) Refer to specifications for all work f) All work to be performed to code requirements 2) Window ReplacementA. Install (4) new casement windows. a) Located at A and C Façade b) Verify sizing c) Paint or stain new or disturbed work d) Install insulation in cavities and caulk all edges e) Units to be brown f) All operable units to include full standard fiberglass mesh screens g) Refer to specifications for additional information h) All work to be performed to code requirements 3) Electrical Panel Upgrade - C. Upgrade existing panel to 100 amps i. Ensure all circuits separated between the first and second floor units to eliminate existing shared panel issue ii. Provide new panel mounting board and GFCI iii. Provide all necessary wiring, circuits and junction boxes including devices grounding and bonding (all non-compliant wiring and devices must be replace D. All work to be performed per building code requirements E. Refer to specifications for all work