A. The Contractor shall provide all labor, services, equipment, tools, and materials required to chip/pulverize ALL of the accumulated brush, trees, logs, stumps, and all other wood products, regardless of its size, weight, and/or being mixed in with soil and other debris, located at the cul-de-sac of Scovill Street. B. The Contractor shall remove all chipped/pulverized material from the worksite; including existing woodchip pile. C. Upon completion of the grinding, the Contractor shall scrape off the work area of any remaining debris and remove it from the worksite. D. Contractors shall bid this project as a lump sum, including mobilization, demobilization and fuel surcharge if applicable. E. Area should be broom swept clean at the end. F. All work associated with the existing pile of accumulated brush, trees, logs, stumps, and all other wood products must be completed by March 31, 2025.