The first phase of work will be for the evaluation team, in collaboration with the AIB, to create a detailed evaluation work plan based on the approach outlined in their proposal for the evaluation and the requirements of the RFP. To do this work, Proposers are expected to visit the AIB website to learn about the history of the Blueprint and review the Blueprint theory of action and the outcome measures identified in the Blueprint Comprehensive Implementation Plan, in addition to the scope and status of Blueprint implementation at the State, district and school levels. AIB will make all core documents available (including all versions of the Blueprint Comprehensive Implementation Plan, State and local agency implementation plans, and feedback on implementation strengths and areas of growth from AIB), identify key partners for the Proposers, and ensure access to available data sources. The evaluation plan shall include: ● An evaluation approach, including key research questions to assess the Blueprint theory of action and implementation to date; ● A qualitative data collection plan that builds on findings from an initial analysis of existing quantitative data and includes a suggested representative sample of interviews and/or focus groups with State/local education and government officials (such as State and local policymakers, local superintendents, AIB, MSDE, higher education) and students, parents, educators, advocacy groups, and employers. (Note: Proposers can also propose a survey if that is a more efficient way to gather data); ● A plan to triangulate the qualitative data collected as well as existing qualitative and quantitative data collected by the AIB, Expert Review teams, Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center, and State and local agencies to determine progress toward Blueprint goals, including closing achievement or progress gaps between student or educator groups of different race, ethnicity, disability status, household income, linguistic status, and any other group characteristics that feature achievement or progress gaps as identified in the Blueprint Comprehensive Plan...