3 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of work is to provide necessary information to develop a strategic plan and determine the need for a new and/or renovated jail and corrections facility; the services and operations to be provided within the facility, as well as the capacity, staffing and costs including but not limited to the following items: a. Needs Assessment (which will become part of a comprehensive criminal justice system detention master plan) i. Assessment of existing jail 1. Physical plant evaluation a. Review assessment done of building envelopes, mechanical, plumbing, electrical; structural integrity, remaining effective useful service life, cost estimates regarding repairs/replacement (completed via September 2024 feasibility study) b. Review existing architectural plans upon award of bid c. Identify operational usage needs - office space, training, programming, gym/fitness room, community corrections/pre-trial space, recreation and vocational space d. Determine technology needs for future – immediate and long term 2. Functional evaluation a. Based on current American Correctional Association (ACA) jail standards and industry best practices for correctional facilities 3. Inventory staffing for existing jail 4. Profile the population to establish demographic, behavioral, social characteristics, types of criminal charges, adjudication status ii. Examine criminal justice system 1. Review applicable ACA and NIC standards and legal requirements (e.g. bail reform implications) 2. Analyze alternatives to incarceration, including specialty courts, noncustodial sanctions/services; document current noncustodial alternatives and their effectiveness; forecast future impact on jail population for utilizing court-based noncustodial alternatives 3. Analyze projected reductions in bed demand, including the number of beds and the cost of implementing the recommendation including detention population forecasts. 4. Analyze trends in the criminal justice system to determine impact on the size and type of inmate population in Hillsborough County. Forecast jail population at 10, 20, 30-year benchmarks that include enhanced efficiencies in judicial processes, alternatives to incarceration; study for potential future staffing and structure/space requirements for other staff operations iii. Estimate of the space and operational requirements for long-term needs 1. Prepare preliminary space needs based on capacity forecasts, separation and classification needs, and operational preferences of the County 2. Work with designated staff to determine the functional components which may be included in the future facility use, to develop a list of rooms and spaces that will be required, and to identify areas of overlapping functional operations. Describe each space in detail, identifying functional, equipment, security, and access requirements in addition to square footage requirements. At a minimum this will include medical, mental health, community corrections, programming, office space, living areas, meeting and training space, food service, laundry, classification and booking, loading/receiving, sally ports, administration, maintenance, technology and video arraignment, visitation, parking, private counseling/interview rooms, staff lounge, outdoor recreation, and other areas as indicated throughout this process. b. Facility Program Development (brings together functional and space program recommendations in a document that describes how the jail will function. The facility program defines and describes the desired operation and workflow of each area of the new facilities and identifies the spaces, including adjacent spaces, users, equipment and furnishings that support jail operations) i. Develop options for Facility to include Renovation, Expansion or New Facility meeting bed capacity projections ii. Site analysis of existing facility and up to 3 locations on existing county land– evaluate for size, location, topography, neighboring land uses, accessibility 1. Site analysis should indicate requirements for the facility such as lighting, loading zones, entrances, parking iii. Outline functional programming to define how the jail will operate and the impact of noncustodial alternatives and any criminal justice system changes iv. Detail space programming by describing the physical spaces needed to support jail operations 1. Develop layouts and configurations of housing unit modules, overall footprint of proposed building(s) 2. Develop a plan for a community corrections center that would be connected to the main facility 3. Develop blocking and stacking plans, indicating departmental layouts 4. Provide rendered site plan and 3-D massing studies