The Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas, acting for and on behalf of the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith (“the University” or “UAFS”), is seeking competitive responses from software companies for a secure online course/faculty evaluation solution. 2. Specifica�ons 1. Cri�cal Needs 1.1. The proposed system must be able to create evalua�ons based on course/sec�on that is �ed to an instructor and their respec�ve department and college. 1.2. The proposed system must be able to create evalua�ons non-course-based surveys that may or may not have an individual user �ed to the response, i.e. ballots or sa�sfac�on surveys. 1.3. The proposed system needs addi�onal ways to increase response rates, i.e. extra ways to no�fy students, cer�ficates of comple�on, QR codes, etc. 1.4. The proposed system must have ways to dynamically atach different ques�on sets based on selec�on criteria. 1.5. The proposed system must have a dynamic way of when to choose when students are or are not allowed into a survey. 2. Cri�cal Interfaces 2.1. The proposed system must be compa�ble with Banner (current) and Workday (2025 onward) student informa�on systems. 2.2. The proposed system will ideally interface with Blackboard so students have a secondary way to access their survey. 2.3. Provide informa�on on the data elements that the University will need to provide as a part of the interface/data feed. 2.4. Vendor must describe the method used for transferring data to and from the University. 3. Cri�cal Repor�ng Needs 3.1. Staff, faculty, and administrators will need access to their areas evalua�on results and response rates. The areas can be defined as any evalua�ons �ed to you as an individual, any evalua�ons �ed to a par�cular department, or any evalua�ons �ed to a par�cular college, with each area rolling up into the next. 3.2. The proposed system must have ways for faculty and administrators to get detail or summary level repor�ng based on sec�on/term/academic year. 3.3. The proposed system will allow any administrator to specify when evalua�ons open and close (ideally dynamically). 3.4. The proposed system will allow an administrator to specify when evaluation results open to their respec�ve areas (ideally dynamically).