This is a grounds maintenance contract to provide for cleanup and turf maintenance for Glenbrook Park and the common areas throughout the subdivision. All units of work are to be pre-approved by the Contract Manager (CM) who also serves as a point of contact for all issues pertaining to this contract. Cleanup, mowing, trimming, granular fertilizer with pre-emergent and liquid herbicide application are included in the maintenance schedule. The areas to be maintained are designated in the attached map and include common areas, trails, three parks, street and cul-de-sac islands and all abutting right-ofways (ROW) to include an extensive strip along Hanover and N 80th streets. All areas combined are roughly 15.1 acres. The CM will inspect and approve all equipment to be used by the contractor after City Council approval and prior to contract signing. The contractor will be responsible for storage of all equipment and material and have adequate provisions for storage off the site. All tractors and other grounds maintenance equipment that are operated on turf areas shall be equipped with turf-type tire tread. All mowing shall be done using turftype mowers. Machines will be equipped to consolidate and transport trash including any configurations required to collect the park trash cans and keep the debris consolidated during transport. The CM shall furnish the contractor with a list of approved herbicides and fertilizers to be applied by the contractor. The contractor will notify the CM, in writing, of any requests to deviate from the approved list. The contractor shall notify the CM not less than one (1) hour prior to the application of all chemicals and fertilizers. The CM or his appointed agent shall supervise these applications. Copies of delivery tickets and invoices for materials shall be submitted to the CM or his agent upon request. A written weekly progress report shall be submitted to the City. This report shall include all work completed and will be sent to the CM no later than Wednesday of the following week. The City reserves the right to eliminate in part or whole, one or more items of work from this contract as may be required to bring the cost of the work within the limits of available funds or for any other reason without affecting the unit prices as bid for any specific item.