CMAP is seeking one Engagement Consultant/Consultant Team (Consultant) to: 1) Support CMAP’s engagement efforts for municipal PROW ADA transition plan technical assistance projects, 7 of which are already in progress with 5 more expected to begin in the near future, and approximately 2 - 8 more anticipated over the length of the contract. The Consultant will develop appropriate strategies and tactics that can be replicated across all PROW ADA transition plan projects to maximize efficiency, with some individual tailoring as appropriate. Enagement may include: surveys or interactive activites; online presence and online engagement tools; public engagement events (in-person and virutal); multimedia event promotion strategy; communications/media toolkits, key messages and boilerplate text; templates for social media content, display boards, hand-outs, presentation slides, press releases, and other collateral; and/or other strategies to be developed by the Consultant. The Consultant will work directly with the PROW ADA Transition Plan Consultants, Project Management and Oversight (PMO) Consultant, and CMAP to strategize effective public engagement, with an emphasis on engaging underrepresented groups and the disability community in each municipality. The Consultant will be responsible for ensuring all public-facing materials comply with Section 508 accessibility standards and use plain/accessible language. The Consultant will coordinate with the Transition Plan Consultants and PMO consultant to review final public-facing materials for readability, accessibility, style-guide consistency, etc., will monitor transition plan engagement for best practices and effectiveness, and will track engagement metrics.