The City is requesting full construction services from Respondents that have experience with successfully implementing complex projects. Such projects should involve improvements associated with multiple infrastructure systems that require effective management of multiple crews/subcontractors working in congested areas and include specific order of construction operations to ensure expedited schedule compliance. Specifically, an expedited schedule requiring the work associated with the project to be completed within a period of 15 months will be required, with Division 2 & 3 being completed first. The following scopes of work for each division of this project are provided below: Division 1 – Roadway Improvements: The Mill Village Infrastructure Improvements Project includes approximately two miles of streetscaping activities such as the milling and overlaying of existing pavement, full-depth patching of existing pavement, full-depth pavement widening, replacement or addition of sidewalk, removal and replacement of curb and gutter, pouring of concrete driveways, striping and adding on-street parking and the construction of raised concrete speed tables. Division 2 – Water Line Improvements: The Mill Village Infrastructure Improvements Project includes the construction of approximately 5,800 linear feet of 12-inch water mains, 4,200 linear feet of 6-inch water mains, and 2,600-linear feet of 2-inch water mains. These will be comprised of both PVC and DIP mains. Additionally, this project includes the replacement of approximately 145 water services and the addition of 20 fire hydrant assemblies. Division 3 - Stormwater Improvements: The Mill Village Infrastructure Improvements Project includes the demolition and removal of existing stormwater infrastructure in the Mill Village neighborhood. Work includes construction of approximately 3,600 linear feet of storm drainage pipe, and 50 storm drainage structures throughout the neighborhood. Stormwater scope also includes pervious sidewalks and subdrainage, and a bioretention area within the public right of way.