Any variance from specifics listed should be noted with an explanation. Site visits can be arranged. *Wet area should be approximately 1,100 square feet *Overhead feature is desirable. Also include other optional features *Drain away system should be included *Equipment cost should be around $100,000 *Electricity and water are available to connect for pad use. *Vendor shall provide a concept of what it would look like and what components are recommended for installation. *Splashpad is to be placed at Beeson Park at the intersection of Longbranch Road and Mikann Ave. on the west side of the existing playset. *Vendor should include diagrams/plans of proposed solution *Vendor should supply bill of materials, plumbing and concrete plan/details/notes, electrical, startup and shutdown, supply and drain piping plan, mechanical details. *Vendor must supply estimated time to complete the project once approved *Vendor will provide an alternate RFP response for a turnkey project.