Task 1 Public and Agency Outreach It is the county’s desire to provide a strategy with optimal public engagement. It will also be important to compile a detailed timeline of activities considering a variety of stakeholders and committees within Chelan County. At a minimum, below are specific tasks to be included: a. Attend up to six Board of County Commissioner meetings to solicit input and desired improvements and funding priorities and present progress of the plan development. b. Meet with key agency stakeholders, such as; WSDOT, Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council, Link Transit, and along with the broader citizenry, business community and various public sector interests within Chelan County to solicit feedback and ensure plan consistency and continuity. c. Workshop with County Staff in the following areas: • Kick-off/County Transportation Issues/Plan Goals (Task 2) • State of Good Repair and Maintenance (Task 3) • Policy Development and Level of Service (Task 4) • Project List (Task 5) • Funding levels and priorities (Task 6) d. Provide materials for the County’s website or other local media e. Public Engagement – Provide up to 5 public workshops in the county in different districts, as well as a final countywide presentation Task 2 Transportation Needs Assessment (Existing and Planned) Based on the existing conditions, public/agency outreach, projected growth, federal, state, regional, and county requirements/guidelines, and LOS/facility deficiencies; a needs assessment memo and final traffic counts will be complied and provide a basis of the plan’s goals. The study area is defined as all of Chelan County with an emphasis on the unincorporated areas and all major points of ingress and egress from federal, state, and city transportation connections. The needs assessment will include the following transportation components: • Traffic Volumes – Review and summarize traffic count and model data to depict traffic volumes on County arterial and major collectors. To the extent data is not available, perform ADT counts in up to 20 locations and adjust older counts to reflect growth. • Multimodal facilities – Summarize multimodal facilities, gaps, and connectivity to other agencies’ facilities. Evaluate and identify opportunities to improve safety and mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists and the public transit system. The alternatives evaluation will include a review of potential opportunities to expand overall corridor capacity. Particular focus areas to include; Pedestrian Accessibility (including ADA), Bicycle Routes and Route Management, and Transit Facilities. • Freight and Truck Mobility – Review and update freight and truck mobility based on WSDOT freight data and CDTC information • Safety – Safety will be a strong underlying element across all topics. This element shall address maintenance and operations, and enhancements to improve safety across all county maintained systems, then summarize collision information.