DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The Work comprises modifications and/or abandonment of five (5) vaults and associated piping and valves, including the locations and Work below: 1. 4390 S 2200 W - Taylorsville – Abandon vault, bury gate valves, and relocate air vac manhole to the right-of-way on the side of the street. 2. 4330 S 300 W - Murray – Abandon vault, bury gate valves, and relocate air vac manhole to the right-of-way on the side of the street. 3. 4500 S 350 E - Murray/Millcreek boundary – Modify blowoff manhole piping and valves. 4. 11400 S 100 E - Draper / Sandy boundary – Remove existing and replace vault roof, valves, welded steel pipe, electrical, and communications. 5. 11400 S 700 E - Draper / Sandy boundary – Remove and replace existing welded steel pipe, valves, electrical, and communications