A. Location one (1) - 69900 Frontage Ln, Boardman, OR This is an Inground installation this is a 24’X10’ size. Specification attached of pit build. B. Location two (2) – 57185 Hwy 74, Lexington, OR This above ground, 40’X11’ in size. C. Developed in ground/area complete, retro fit to specifications provided. D. Develop guide rails for above ground and Frame for above ground unit. E. Steel Deck and ramps truck scale. 40 – 60 Ton capacity. F. Contractor shall provide the following services in the specified estimated amounts in the specified areas; contractor shall supply all labor, supplies, materials, and supervision necessary to complete contractor’s agreement. Must be Weights and Measures certification approved. G. Scale must include printer, scoreboard/indicator reading for staff and exterior digital indicator mode. Software needed for operation. H. Warranty is required. I. Exhibit A is provided for a proposal. All locations should have a cost breakdown in the description.