The new curb limits will be marked with white paint by the Department of Public Works prior to the start of Work. The existing curb will be saw cut at the limits and the area will be prepared for receiving new curb. Preparation includes exposing the asphalt road surface where the curb is to be replaced, removal of soil, removal of damaged curb pieces, sweeping clean and applying tack coat to all surfaces where new curb is to be placed. Curb will be placed at the same location where damaged curb was removed and in line with the adjoining curb so that the road width will not be reduced. Curb sections to be installed that exceed 30-feet in length shall be formed using an asphalt curb machine and mold that closely matches the adjoining curb. Bituminous concrete shall not be installed in rainy or wet conditions. All soil and curb waste materials shall be removed and disposed of. Curb will be backfilled and the grass shoulder restored by the Town of Madison.