Section I. Caustic Soda (NaOH) 1. Sodium Hydroxide - NAOH, 50% solution Approximately 106,000 gallons for Water Pollution Control, delivered to tank with capacity of 7,800 gallons. Approximately 30,000 gallons for Water Treatment Center, delivered in loads of approximately 2,000 gallons. Gal 136,000 __________ $__________ 2. Sodium Hydroxide - NAOH, 20% solution, provided in 55 gallon drums to Water Pollution Control Gal 1,500 3. Sodium Hydroxide - NAOH, 25% solution, delivered in loads of approximately 4,000 gallons to Water Treatment Center Gal 42,000 __________ ___________ Subtotal Section I $___________________ Section II. Water Pollution Control 4. Aluminum Sulfate 48.5% solution Gal 185,000 __________ ___________ 5. Sodium Hypochlorite (NAOCL) 12% solution. Price to be quoted based on bulk delivery assuming 400 gallons per delivery. Bid Option: Provision via 250/300 gallon totes Gal 2,500 __________ $_____ /gal ___________ 6. ADOX or City-approved equal; price to be quoted based on bulk delivery assuming 1,600 to 1,800 gallons per delivery (maximum amount for delivery is 1,800 gallons). Gal 5,500 __________ ___________ 7. Liquid Polymer – Polydyne Clarifloc C331 Mannich or approved equal (approved in plant tests). Price to be quoted based on bulk delivery assuming 3,400 gallons per delivery. Bidders may be required to provide limited volumes of the polymer product proposed in their bid submission and perform Gal 18,000 _