Shall include installation and maintenance of erosions and sedimentation controls, site preparation, maintenance and protection of traffic, construction stake-out and layout, clearing and grubbing, excavation and removal of the existing court, furnish and install new gravel base and bituminous concrete pavement, protection of existing site improvements, furnish and install bark mulch, and all surface restoration as outlined on the site plan, and all work not specifically listed elsewhere. Alternate #1: Bituminous Concrete Sidewalk: Replace the existing bituminous concrete sidewalk with a new 5’ wide bituminous concrete sidewalk. Shall include all removal and disposal of the existing walk, new processed gravel base material, bituminous concrete surface course, and all surface restoration as needed. Alternate #2: New Basketball Hoops: Replace the existing basketball goals with new fixed height basketball goals. Shall include removal and disposal of the existing goals and bases, installation of the new bases and basketball goals, gravel fill as needed, and all surface restoration as needed.