Project construction includes boring a 12” seismically resilient high‐density polyethylene (HDPE) water pipe under the Bay. The new pipe will run from Port of Newport property, located at McLean Point, to the south end of the Hatfield Marine Science Center, a distance of approximately 4,300 feet. The proposed alignment shows the pipe being placed east of the existing pipe (see Exhibit A). Based upon the amount of space needed for the directional drilling equipment, the proposed location represents the shortest crossing and most cost‐ effective alternative. Alternative alignments will be considered if proven cost‐effective and meet the goals of the project. Project work will include connecting the new HDPE pipe to existing water lines on both sides of the Bay. The existing 12” DI pipe will be left in place to operate as a redundant waterline to the new HDPE pipe until such time as it is no longer safe to operate. At that time the existing 12” DI pipe will be turned off and abandoned in‐place.