Task 1 - Review of Current Documents and Data – Consultant shall: a. Review all existing documents, plans, and studies for consideration as provided by the City to act as a foundation for drafting the new Long-Range Transportation Plan. These include the General Plan, Unified Development Code, Active Transportation Plan, Transit Plan, Airport Master Plan, East Side Airport Development Plan, and Pavement Management Plan, along with other City-related documents. b. Work with the City to obtain and incorporate all existing surrounding city and regional documents, plans, and studies for consideration from adjacent jurisdictions, the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), Valley Metro Public Transit Authority (VM), state and federal agencies, including the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF). c. Incorporate these and other local transportation-related plans and understand their influence on local transportation, land use and planning, travel choices, demand, demographics, development trends and other regional influences on the local transportation system...